Megan Edwards   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
I am thoroughly impressed. Reya’s high energy is both a blessing and a curse for this busy mom. To see her progress, after just three days with Samantha was incredible. I already knew she’s an amazing dog but to reach her potential we needed some help through this puppy craziness. She was incredibly cared for and happy to be in the program and on our hike today, I was blown away with her level of self control. My five year old currently giving her commands and playing fetch in the yard with ease and zero nerves of her jumping or getting too over excited is so fun to watch. I look forward to continuing this work with Samantha’s advice and hope to keep up with some pack hikes as she seemed to have THRIVED.

Trevor Laubenstein   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Our Milo is such a star after his “retreat” with Samantha’s Wag N' Train New England. I can’t recommend her program enough. I can trust him on and off leash and his commands are all so strong now. Thank you and we can wait to get him back out for a day on the trails!

Erica Hoyt Mandell   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Samantha is beyond amazing! She took my over zealous 1 yr old Golden girl and gave me such a well-trained good girl back! I am AMAZED at the magic she worked. She gave me the skills and the confidence to continue the groundwork she started. She is so kind and friendly, easy to talk to and work with, and just wonderful for your dog! I cannot recommend enough [❤️] We are so happy to be part of the pack! Thanks again Samantha!

Jeremy Crowson   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Samantha Hillary with Wag N’ Train  is amazing at what she does. We sent our Dolly, a year and half old golden doodle, to her to get some help. Early on we took Dolly to training to get some of the basics such as sit, come, stay, etc. but as she got older the poodle in her started to show through with some stubborn tendencies. Samantha worked with Dolly during her boot camp to correct issues such as jumping and recall. We met Samantha at our pickup to get a thorough walk-thru of some of her new commands and how to continue to reinforce what Dolly learned at boot camp. July 4th weekend was the first weekend we had her back home with us and she is a changed dog. She listens anytime we ask her to do something such as coming back inside on command. She does not jump all over our guests as she did in the past. She went from a dog that many considered to be a bit on the spaz side to a calm well-mannered dog. We are still in shock as we thought we still had at least another year or two before she started to calm down. Greatest of all, we can take her on walks without a leash and have the confidence to go anywhere. Dolly is joining Samantha on a weekly pack hike to give her the exercise, socialization, and reinforcement she needs and Dolly couldn’t be happier. We strongly recommend Wag N’ Trainfor all of your dog training needs.

Elise Naventi Reid   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
We are forever grateful to Sam for her hard work and support with our dog Honey. Honey was smart, lovable, and learning quickly, but was still a puppy doing puppy things, especially getting wound up and jumping on our little kids. We tried boot camp with Sam at the recommendation of a tech at our vet's office and I cannot recommend it enough. In 3 days, Honey was fully trained and came back so much calmer and more confident. It's been a 180 degree difference since getting her back. She's great on a leash, she listens to commands, she is able to run free off leash, and she's so much calmer, happier, and healthier with the exercise she can now get. Everything is so much more regulated now. It's also so much more enjoyable to take her places or even let her out to go to the bathroom. Sam was so communicative, kind, helpful, and knowledgeable throughout the training and beyond. She is an expert truly doing what she loves and is gifted at. Forever grateful to Sam for training Honey and teaching us! [🩷]

Samantha's clients leave truly amazing reviews that reflect her passion for what she does! For the most up to date reviews please be sure to visit the fan page at:

Lauren Phipps   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
We were lucky to have rescued a well behaved dog, but after putting her through training with Sam she is now perfect. Our 100lb dog would pull on walks which was not enjoyable at all, now she walks right next to us and we look forward to it! On top of all of that, she doesn’t even budge when a dog walks by and she’s off leash in the yard. Sam picks her up and drops her off 3 times a week so she can burn some energy during her hikes and reinforcement training. She sleeps all day after it!! We cannot thank Sam enough. Olive loves her!!

Beth Goldstein   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Samantha is incredible. I have always wanted to let my dogs off-leash in a park but was terrified that they would not listen. After a 4-day BootCamp, our two dogs did incredibly well on their hikes in the wood. They listened, and Samantha gave us the training, guidance, and support we need to confidently continue working on their behavior at home. She turned great dogs into AMAZING dogs. She was fantastic to work with, providing continuous communication, and was very supportive of helping us achieve our fur babies' goals.

Marlene Dow   recommends Wag N' Train New England. :
I can honestly say I have never seen such a wonderful difference in a dog in just a weeks time we just got home went for a walk outside and he was absolutely wonderful. I cannot thank you enough for all that you’ve done for us you gave us the dog that we really needed. I will be recommending her to absolutely everyone if you’re lucky enough to have her train your dog, it’s amazing!

Christopher Muller   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Coming highly recommended by the family of our golden pups sister, we sent Molly to Samantha at Wag N’ Train NE. Samantha is highly knowledgeable, friendly, easily accessible, and accommodating. After Molly graduated the 4day/3night training, we were amazed at her progress. She went from 60lbs of jumpy puppy to cool and confident! Molly is all smiles off leash with her new friends on her weekly trail hikes (lots of FB updates/stories)! Absolutely recommend

Diana Paradiso   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Cara just completed her training with Sam. I sent Sam my 10 month old standard poodle that had a few bad habits. Cara would jump on people, pull on walks, and would not follow commands. Cara is a brand new dog after completing boot camp. It is like a night and day difference in my girl. I could never have done this without Sam and in such a short period. I can’t recommend Wag N’ Train New England enough!

Gracie Cole   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Samantha is kind and savvy, always seeing the best in the dogs! She transformed our very opinionated Malamute into an off-leash wonder. In doing so, our Billie Howliday is so much happier on adventures - and so are we! It has opened up Billie's whole world, and everyone is happier for it.

Annie Carlson   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 

Samantha and Wag N' Train Bootcamp has been INCREDIBLE for my 10-month-old puppy, Maeby. Before she would pull like crazy on a leash, jump up on all visitors, and bolt down the street any time she saw an open door. She still has the fun puppy energy but now we both enjoy walks and hikes more and she enjoys her freedom.
Samantha is a joy to communicate with, patient with my zillion questions and truly loves the pups she works with and wants pet owners and pets to spend time safely in the outdoors! We LOVE Samantha and Maeby can't wait to see her each week on the pack hikes!

Kevin Troiano   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
I can’t recommend wag n train enough! The difference in Bruin after 4 days was a total 180. Before he would be pulling on the leash constantly and now he walks slowly by my side and even off leash!

Ellie McCormick Wildeson   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
We cannot recommend Samantha and her training enough!! We now have full confidence in our dog off-leash- he is responsive to our commands and not reactive to other dogs/people/distractions nearby. We have enjoyed him more now that we can bring him along on all of our Colorado adventures! Samantha goes above and beyond to ensure your dog is not only trained, but that you are equipped to continue practicing what she taught at home. This training is truly worth every penny!!! Thank you Samantha!!

Caroline O'Harte Barnard   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
My 2.5 year old pup Murphy has been LOVING his time with Samantha at Wag N' Train. He graduated his off leash recall training and we've kept up with weekly training groups. Samantha is so wonderful accommodating drop offs and pick ups!!!
My husband and I are so impressed with our dog's change while walking on and off leash. I could not recommend Wag N' Train enough!!!

Alyssa Jones Hebert   recommends Wag N' Train New England.:
Great communication with Sam from the first phone call all the way to the end of boot camp training. With a 1.5 year old dog and a 7 month old puppy it was chaos walking them. I’m amazed at the difference in my two dogs in just a short amount of time! We’ve already enjoyed several off leash walks in the last couple days after I was comfortable and confident that the dogs would comply to the training commands - they responded immediately and appropriately as Sam trained - walking no longer feels like a chore! I’m looking forward to having a solid foundation to practice and build off of with my pups. Highly recommend Sam, you won’t be disappointed!

Melody Monberg   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Our 2 year old Brittany Spaniel had developed some terrible habits because we let her cuteness get the best of us. Jumping on people, pulling on the leash, not coming when called, nipping - you name it, she was a pro. We heard about Wag N'Train from a friend who had used her the previous year for her Pit Bull.
One week away with Samantha and a new dog came home to us. It was worth every penny. Our Annie is now 6 1/2 and we are still enjoying her sweet manners, learned and enforced with Samantha's excellent training. 2 thumbs up!

Montana Brown   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Sam is truly incredible - a week with our four year old dog and she came back totally different. I would have thought she was too old to train and that she would never be off leash, but I was proved wrong. I just took her on the Trail and she stood by my side the whole time, ignoring other animals, dogs, and hikers who could have been a distraction. Don’t wait to do this training, it’s a game changer!!!!!

Meredith Keach   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Wow! What a tremendous experience we had with Samantha. We are grateful. She was on top of communications with us from day one of reaching out to her. After going through her training our Doodle is so much happier and more confident. We are now on the same program as a family with command and communication with our dog. This program was well worth the investment.

Kate Elkins   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Our dog completed the Wag N Train boot camp a few days ago. Today, for the first time ever, I was able to take him on a successful hike. He was able to be completely off leash - he explored, sniffed, greeted, and trotted AND listened to all the commands from his training. He did not pull, did not jump up on other hikers, and was not scared to be in the car (to or from the trail). I couldn’t believe how well behaved he was, but more importantly how free he was able to be - and how he moved along the trail safely and in a way, connected with me. It was such a wonderful experience - this is exactly what I wanted and hoped for our rescue dog…that we could give him this kind of life means the world to me. I’m so so so glad we did the training!
In addition, Sam’s communication throughout the program made us feel at ease and confident in the care she was providing during the week.
Thank you so much Sam!

Bev Jackson   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 

We signed our Bonnet up for Samantha's Boot Camp because we were weary of her uncontrollable reactivity to other people and dogs plus we feared for her safety as she bolted. Recall was hit and miss, especially outdoors. Upon graduating from Samantha's Boot Camp, our Bonnet now has perfect recall and instead of reacting to distractions will look to us, stay with us, and mostly ignore those! After Bonnet's graduation, I took her on a walk where there were bicycles, joggers, and other people walking their dogs. Before Samantha, that would have been a stressful and frustrating experience, not to mention me being embarrassed by Bonnet's lack of manners. Now, after Samantha, it was a pleasurable and enjoyable time. Other people with their pulling or reactive dogs commented on how good my dog was! I now look forward to many walks and hikes on public trails with Bonnet this summer! I highly recommend Samantha's Boot Camp and Pack experience. She is great at communicating during the week and provided good follow-up with us humans at the end of the week to set us...and Bonnet...up for success!

Laura Haughton   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Sam has been amazing with our Pearl!! She completed the week-long boot camp and now goes to weekly training with Sam and loves it. Our kids and family are in awe of her behavioral changes and how quickly she responds to her commands now. She is like a different dog. Can’t recommend Sam enough! Thank you!!

Karen Bradley   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Jason and I would like to express our sincere appreciation to Sam for taking our young pup Willow in at a young age. She groomed her for bootcamp and it made a world of difference. As new puppy owners we were nervous about the right training and picking someone who would care and love our dog as much as we do. We could not be happier with Sams training and Willow just LOVES her pack hikes with Sam and the gang. We HIGHLY recommend Sam and hope to add a sibling someday for her to train!

Molly Hayes   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Cannot say enough good things about Wag N' Train New England! Teddy started her bootcamp on Monday for pulling on the leash when around distractions and barking at other dogs on the leash. 4 days later the difference is night & day! We just left Borderland and he was calmly walking by dogs off leash and not leaving my side… 10/10 highly recommend her for any training/ bootcamp work with your dog! Teddy is going to start her weekly “pack hikes” too!

Rachelle Burgess   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Samantha has changed our life! (Not an exaggeration) If you’d told me I could walk down a busy street with my dog off leash I would have laughed at you. IT’S TRUE. Best investment I’ve made! Hire her!

Kristin Teixeira Merry   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
A huge thank you to Samantha at Wag N’ Train New England for training our guy Wyatt! He went from being terrible on the leash and dragging us all over to a boy with perfect leash manners. He is also fully of leash trained now and loves his hikes and being able to go anywhere with us. We could not be happier and would recommend this trainer to everyone! I can’t wait until our boys are able to join the pack hikes, I know they’ll love it.

Mary Ann Walsh   recommends Wag N' Train New England. :
Samantha is a miracle worker. Our Binx was very stubborn and refused to listen to any command. One week of boot camp, and he was a changed puppy for the better. He walks off leash without a worry, he listens when he’s told to come, he’s so proud of himself. Binx has the pleasure to join Samantha and his fur friends on pack hikes multiple times a week. So happy we learned about Wag N Train New England.

Jennifer McLain   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Our Aussie just graduated and I am amazed at the change in her behavior! Samantha gave me so much confidence and great training to be able to reinforce everything she learned. The commands and technique are very simple and easy to apply. This training is well worth it! Thank you so much Samantha! We are very grateful!

Meghan Stanton   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
My Sal pal graduated boot camp!! Sal would easily get distracted, pull, and be reactive towards other dogs while on leash. We now are walking together side by side on and off leash, gaining confidence and becoming less distracted by other dogs [🤣] Samantha was so great to work with and I would highly recommend- She was responsive, kept me updated with pictures and videos and took great care of Sal while he was with her. At the end Mom and Dad got a lesson as well to go over all that Sal has learned and how we can continue to reinforce his training. I am so grateful to have found her. Sal now gets to join the pack hikes which is so fun for him!! Thank you!!

Liz Bennett   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
I am litterally blown away!!!!! On Monday Alex Bennett and I sent Bell out for training with Wag N' Train New England. What we delivered was a crazed creature that dragged me EVERYWHERE on the leash and that I was nervous to allow off leash. After just four days of training with Samantha Hillary we now have a dog that I trust to listen, walk gently on the leash and can be safe off leash. It's a total 360 from what we started with! I can't thank you enough for the amazing start you have given us. If your dog is in need of training look no further [❤] Bell is now back home enjoying her favorite things like laying on dirty laundry [😉]

Moe Rain   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  · 
Sending Cheddar to Samantha’s training has changed his and my life, for the better! He is an entirely new dog with manners and great on & off-leash behavior. He is able to be off-leash (AND RUN!) daily now, which has made him overall better behaved.
It’s also worth noting; that the photos I’ve been able to take of Cheddar since graduating have been incredible. Modeling AND manners! [😉]
I absolutely cannot recommend Samantha and her training enough - well worth every single penny!

Daniel Jaynes   recommends Wag N' Train New England.  
We sent our pup to Samantha while we were away for a week. She is a wild, 7 month old Golden Retriever. Very friendly but had a few bad habits like playful biting, jumping when she’s excited, and lastly, not great on the leash. (We never even tried off the leash)
We picked her up a week later and there was a complete 180 with her. We had our 1 hour post training session with Samantha and our pup, and we were blown away. We are so pleased with the results and would absolutely recommend anyone and everyone to give Samantha a try.
Money well spent!